Posts in Retaining Employees
Unlocking the Potential of Your Managers: A Comprehensive Guide to Retaining Your Best Employees

7 Minute Read

We've all heard the saying: "People don't leave companies, they leave managers." This powerful truth speaks to the heart of employee retention. Managers have the ability to make or break the employee experience, influencing whether they stay and thrive or seek opportunities elsewhere.

How do we keep our best employees from looking elsewhere? Retention isn't just about compensation and benefits; it's about relationships and opportunities for growth. Your managers are in the best position to foster those relationships and nurture those opportunities. So, the solution lies in giving managers the skills to lead effectively. If we want to keep the stars of our organization, we must ensure that our managers shine first.

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Creating an Employee Experience

3 Minute Read

It’s an experience. A single moment that makes a person feel something. A feeling that a person associates with something. Many successful companies create experiences for customers to delight them and increase loyalty.

For decades, we’ve known that we not only need to deliver a quality product or service, but that we need to focus on the customer experience. But what we have unintentionally ignored is the fact that employees are expecting the same. We’re not talking about massage therapists and bowling alleys necessarily; but employees want to feel good working for your company. Over the past 12 months, we’ve experienced a huge change in the way we work, the way our teams look, and how we collaborate. Now, more than ever, it’s time we take this seriously.

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It’s All a Matter of Perspective

3 Minute Read

Perspective is a funny thing. Consider this all-too-familiar scenario: You’re driving to work behind an SUV that abruptly stops before an intersection. No turn signal, no warning. Just stops in the middle of the street. How inconsiderate! You could have wrecked! So you lay on the horn, angry and flustered, yelling a few choice words. We know what it feels like. Your morning was off to a bad enough start already. You probably feel frustrated, like nothing else is going to go right.

But what you couldn’t see was that there was a smaller car ahead of the SUV. That car was the one actually turning. And it DID have the turn signal on. The SUV was simply waiting for the car to turn. Now, how do you feel? Glad you honked and yelled for no reason? Or embarrassed that you acted without having all of the information?

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Too Little Too Late...

3 Minute Read

Recently, a client had a key employee resign unexpectedly, and they were left scratching their heads wondering what went wrong. They had big plans for this employee in the future. In fact, they had discussed this during many of our leadership team group sessions. When the employee put in his resignation, it felt a bit like a punch in the gut. The leadership team felt that they had invested so much time into this employee. They asked us to conduct an exit interview in hopes of learning from the situation, so they don’t repeat the same mistakes.

During the exit interview, the employee reported that he felt like he had plateaued in his current role. And he wasn’t sure what career path the company had in mind for him. It made our hearts sink a little because we heard the leaders of the organization discuss the plans for his future. But they quickly discovered that they never clearly laid out that plan to the most important person: THE EMPLOYEE!

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How to Keep Remote Employees Engaged

4 Minute Read

Telecommuting...sounds like something from the future. However, it is one of the most challenging issues for businesses today. Employees want flexible work schedules and work hours. And many companies are trying to make it a priority and allow employees to work remotely. Some have even gone as far as hiring full remote teams that work in different states across the country.

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4 Easy Ways to Develop Bench Strength

5 Minute Read

If you’re a business leader, it’s safe to believe that you understand the need for, and the benefits of, succession planning. So, for the purpose of this article, we won’t spend much time addressing them. What we will highlight, however, are a few ingredients that are necessary in order to develop bench strength for your key employees. In sports, the definition of bench strength is “the quality and number of players available to substitute during the game”. In business, there’s a bit more focus on the quality piece; but really, the concept is the same. The purpose is to have people ready to step into a different role when a leadership or key position becomes available or when a new role is needed.

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#AskRevela - Toxic Boss

5 Minute Read

Let us be your leadership “Google.” Ask Revela!: Last year, in an article from our #AskRevela series, we addressed the question of how to deal with a toxic person on your team. We examined possible reasons and tips for handling someone who is less-than-pleasant. We looked at it from the perspective of a peer or direct report. But what about a toxic boss? What if that person is your manager? So here’s today’s question…

How do you successfully motivate your team when your supervisor’s toxic behavior affects morale, both yours and the team's? - Anonymous

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Have You Created Your Individual Development Plan?

4 Minute Read

If you do research on how to create an individual development plan (IDP), you’ll probably notice that the advice you find is typically offered to a leader or manager, helping to develop an IDP for their employee.

They all start with the notion that first, you should know where the business is going and then talk with your employee about the future. Next, it’ll walk you through determining what the person is missing (gap analysis). Finally, it ends with creating a training plan and applying it. You might even find some lists that have a few more steps, but the majority contain at least those steps.

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Transforming the Employee Evaluation
How to Save your Workforce

3 Minute Read

You’re about to lose 40% of your workforce. Yep, we said it. That’s awfully close to HALF! Over recent years, we’ve seen many Baby Boomers retire. Waved goodbye as they took their knowledge and expertise out the door with them. As of December 2018, 39.2% of people in the US workforce were aged 55 or older. Traditionally, most people retire in their early to mid-60s. So what does this say for your company in the next 5-10 years?

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