Posts tagged power of intention
It’s All a Matter of Perspective

3 Minute Read

Perspective is a funny thing. Consider this all-too-familiar scenario: You’re driving to work behind an SUV that abruptly stops before an intersection. No turn signal, no warning. Just stops in the middle of the street. How inconsiderate! You could have wrecked! So you lay on the horn, angry and flustered, yelling a few choice words. We know what it feels like. Your morning was off to a bad enough start already. You probably feel frustrated, like nothing else is going to go right.

But what you couldn’t see was that there was a smaller car ahead of the SUV. That car was the one actually turning. And it DID have the turn signal on. The SUV was simply waiting for the car to turn. Now, how do you feel? Glad you honked and yelled for no reason? Or embarrassed that you acted without having all of the information?

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You Started Strong. Don't Let Up.

2 Minute Read

We’re all about six weeks into this pandemic. Some a little longer, some a little less. What uprooted and affected our entire world has now become what we consider normal…for now. In the beginning, when people started working virtually or rotating their shifts at work, we all tended to be more intentional about connecting with our teams. Having daily huddles, weekly (or more frequent) team meetings, happy hours, and individual check-ins. But now that some time has passed, are we really still being as intentional as we were before?

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What the Heck?!

Let’s face it - on a daily basis, someone will do something you don’t like. Here's your moment of truth. Whether it’s cutting you off in traffic, not replying to an email within your timeframe, or not following a specific process…it will happen. And when it does, what’s your first thought?

I know…It depends. I hate that response, though it may be true. Let’s talk about when someone cuts you off in traffic. Do you yell at the person? Shake your fist? Or something more drastic? Do you ever think, “What the heck?! Learn how to drive!”Now let me ask you a different question: Have you ever cut someone off in traffic?

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