Believe in Your People - Employee Appreciation Day


Or  Minute ReadWhen you think about the success of your company or department, what comes to mind? To whom do you attribute your wins? Is it because your manager set clear deadlines? Is it because you rocked the proposal that you delivered? Or was it because of your people?When we say people, we mean ALL of your people. Your supervisor who took a chance on you. An assistant who kept you organized. The employees who stepped up when the project became stressful. Your colleagues that helped lighten your workload. Your entire team. Those are your people.Often we get so bogged down in our daily work that we forget about those that help us be successful every day. Think about it. When was the last time you’ve shown your appreciation?We’re not talking about financial compensation, here. You can show your appreciation in many other ways. A recent McKinsey Quarterly survey suggests that “praise from immediate managers, leadership attention, and a chance to lead projects” are more effective than financial incentives. “The survey’s top three nonfinancial motivators play critical roles in making employees feel that their companies value them and take their well-being seriously.”How often do you give feedback? How often do you say thank you for a job well done? Or how often do you focus on creating a motivating environment? 

Here are a few tips to help you get started:
  • Involve your team: Employees want to be involved in the development and progress of their company.
  • Communicate: Very few managers have been accused of over-communicating. Give them updates on the progress of the business and their personal performance.
  • Celebrate individual performance: Catch people doing something right, and focus on providing specific and positive feedback.
  • Give them the tools to succeed: No employee will stay engaged if they don’t have the necessary tools to do their jobs.

Friday, March 6th is Employee Appreciation Day. Use this day to show your gratitude to your team. Use this day to truly appreciate them for who they are and what they do. And from here on out, make sure that this day isn't the only day that you appreciate your people. It's about believing in your team. It is bout encouraging collaboration. It's about cheering them on. It's about inspiring them. When you believe in your people, they believe in you and your ability as a leader. It's easy. Just believe.Do you see less and less employee appreciation in your organization? It could be your culture. Does this sound familiar?