Join Us for the 14th Annual Success Event: Keeping Score! It's not always about being right.
1 Minute ReadLet’s face it—none of us really likes to be wrong. Sometimes, we might even work so hard to be “right” that we over-emphasize the “right” in our thinking while de-emphasizing the “wrong.” If we aren’t careful, we can actually deceive ourselves into believing something that isn’t supported by any fact or available evidence.And we’re not alone. To some extent, the people within our companies are blaming others without supported facts or evidence; creating drama and pitting one person or department against another. Those self-deceptive beliefs create behaviors that can cost us plenty in lost trust between coworkers, customers, and even family.
- Discover how we create stories in our minds that justify our ‘rightness’
- Recognize the events that trigger our stories
- Learn techniques to reduce the scorekeeping we naturally do
- Reduce the drama between people and departments
Friday, May 1st, 2015 | Registration 8:00am | Program 8:30am
Ralston Arena | 7300 Q Street | Ralston, NE 68127 | Northeast Entrance
FBG Service Corporation | TS Bank Continue with the same habits that lead to the same outcomes. Or instead, join Revela at our 14th Annual Success Event at the Ralston Arena. Break the cycle. We’ll see you on Friday, May 1st!Click here to register!Find more events here.