Posts tagged embracing change
Riding the Rapids of Change

5 Minute Read

Imagine a river winding through the wilderness. Its surface glints in the sunlight, but the current below is restless, unpredictable. Along the riverbank, the forest hums with life—birds chirp, leaves rustle, and the air smells of damp earth and fresh pine.

Standing at the edge of the water is a kayaker, paddle in hand, staring down the rapids ahead. The river churns, frothing white as it slams against rocks and spills over drops. The kayaker hesitates. They’ve heard about these waters—how they’ll push you, pull you, test your balance, and demand every ounce of focus.

It would be so much easier to stay here on the shore, where it’s safe and still. But they know the truth: the river doesn’t stop flowing. They can either stand frozen and watch as it rushes past, or they can take a deep breath, push off, and learn to navigate the current.

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Change: Let's Talk About It...

3 Minute Read

Embracing change...This is a sore subject for some, and for others, an exciting one. No one likes to talk about it for fear of how people will react. When it comes to change, there are two ways people tend to react. For some, it’s new and exciting. It creates motivation. But for others, it’s scary, it’s unknown, and can be the center of their frustration and despair.

Do you ever feel like people are constantly trying to mess up your routine? Or they’re always asking you to try something different? For those of you who do, you’re probably comfortable where you are. You might have the outlook of, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” You like the way things are, and you don’t want it to change. With change comes the possibility of failure and navigating through the unknown. You hear about a change, and a red flag goes up in your brain and says, “STOP!” So that’s what you do.

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Sitting on a Lily Pad

3 Minute Read

Imagine a swamp. Frogs are croaking, dragonflies are buzzing around. Turtles are surfacing just enough so you can see their little heads. Alligators are swimming around, waiting for their next prey. A lonely frog sits on a lily pad, observing all that is going on around him. It seems like a normal day, but to this tiny frog, it is chaos. Everything is always changing, and he is overwhelmed. He sees the alligator slowly swimming toward him with a look of hunger in his eyes. The frog knows he has to jump, but he isn’t ready. What if there’s something else in the water? Why can’t I stay safe, here on my lily pad?

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Serious Creativity

4 Minute Read

Do you ever get bored and look at all the creative ideas on Pinterest? Moms coming up with cute snack ideas for their kids to take to school. Crafty people making their own Halloween costumes. Awesome dinner ideas that you would have never thought of... Then we think… “Are you kidding me? Who has time for this crap? These are impossible. I’m just not a creative person.” That thought has probably crossed your mind. Maybe you’ve even said it out loud.

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