Posts tagged Uncertainty
When the Answers are Uncertain…

5 Minute Read.

We get it. Change is tough even in normal times. And change in the midst of chaos can push us over the edge. Leaving us feeling overwhelmed and stuck, unable to move forward. Do you ever wish you had a crystal ball so you could look into the future and know that everything will be okay? Sometimes what causes us the greatest stress is that the answers are uncertain; the unknown.

As a young child, I was completely oblivious to the fact that I needed glasses until I took a mandatory eye exam at my elementary school. My parents were notified and I was promptly taken to an eye doctor. And within a short period of time, I was wearing my new glasses. I remember the feeling of finally seeing things that I never knew existed. I remember how amazing it felt to see clearly. When things are uncertain, our lives feel unfocused, much like poor vision. We just feel better when we have clarity about what the future holds.

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